If the information involves state secrets or the private affairs of individuals, he shall keep it confidential in accordance with relevant provisions of the law. 对涉及国家秘密和个人隐私的材料,应当依照法律规定保密。
Private access ( info that is either confidential or needs to be kept private or both). 私有访问(比如保密信息或需要被保持为私有的信息)。
Exposing information that should remain private/ confidential. 暴露遗留在个人或秘密组件中的信息。
The private SSH key is the user's identity for outbound SSH connections and should be kept confidential. 私有SSH密钥是用于出站SSH连接的用户身份,且应当保密。
They explained that private information health would be kept confidential. 他们还解释说,会为私人的健康信息保密。
Protect your private photos, voice and sound files, videos, confidential documents-just any kind of files on your smartphone! 保护您的私人照片,语音和音频文件,视频,机密文件-只要任何形式的文件在您的智能手机!
The fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential. I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. 我真诚地希望这样不会对贵公司造成不便。如需本公司协助其他事宜,欢迎随时赐顾垂询。
We treat our readers'information as private and confidential, and we will not disclose your data to third parties without your express permission or unless required by law. 我们把读者的信息看作是私人且机密的,我们不会把在未得到您允许的情况下向第三方透露您的信息,除非是法律要求。
All details stated herein are private and confidential and must not be disclosed to any third party for any reason or purpose. 协议中各种细节属绝密条款,请不要以任何理由泄漏给第三方。
Three envelopes, all marked Private and Confidential, had come through the mailroom. but you might as well know where the post room is in case you ever have any queries. 三封标有密件亲启的信件送到了邮件收发室。不过你还是应该知道收发室在哪里,万一有什么问题可以联系。
The settlement terms can be kept private and confidential; 和解协议的条款可保密和不外泄;
Private or confidential information sent by the remote user to the server ( such as credit card information) might be intercepted. 由远程用户发送到服务器的私有以及秘密的文档(:信用卡信息)能会被中途截获。
You can also use new password protected Private Folders to store confidential information. 你还可以使用新的密码保护私人文件夹以便存储重要的信息。
FOIA Exception to the Commercial Confidential Information manifests the balance between public and private interest, which is dependent on legislation and legal practice to confine the Commercial Confidential Information in the FOIA Exception Clause. 信息公开立法中对商业机密等免于公开的规定体现了公益与私益平衡原则,而如何体现这一原则,还有赖于立法和实践中对免于公开规定的商业机密进行界定。
The advent of VPN makes it possible for enterprises to transform private confidential massage securely and economically through the Internet. VPN的出现使企业通过Internet既安全又经济地传输私有的机密信息成为可能。
Encourage private enterprise to confidential rank low technology research and development production, introduce competition mechanism, promote technical innovation and industrial development. 鼓励民营企业对保密等级较低的技术进行研发生产,引入竞争机制,推动技术的创新和产业的发展。
As each area or each unit has its own private information confidential to the outside world, so there would be firewalls, authentications and other security measures between the enterprise information network and the Internet. 由于每个领域、每个单位都有自己的私有信息,要对外界保密,因此在企业信息网络与Internet之间就要有诸如防火墙、身份认证等安全措施。